Town News : 2022

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City Lake Dam Update

By , Aug 02, 2022
Filed Under

The City of High Point is considering options to repair or replace the dam at City Lake.  They are in the process of acquiring property near the dam to help facilitate their access to the dam.  The acquisition of property by a municipality (even in a neighboring jurisdiction) by negotiated sale or by eminent domain is a legal process governed by the North Carolina General Statutes and the Town of Jamestown does not have the authority to interfere.  It is our understanding that the City of High Point has not finalized its plans.  Our Public Services staff will continue to be in contact with the City of High Point staff to help mitigate any future impacts on our citizens during this process.   For now, please direct concerns or questions to the City of High Point Public Services Director, Robby Stone, at 336-883-3217 or

Update your Contact Information with Jamestown

By , Jan 28, 2022
Filed Under 2022

In order to update the Town of Jamestown's automated call system, please use the link provided or call Town Hall (336-454-1138) to ensure we have your most up-to-date contact information. The call system will be used to inform residents of unexpected changes in service. Please visit and complete the form to update your information.